Information for Placing Social Services
Certain questions often arise in placement requests from Social Services. Therefore, we provide the answers here.
Safe housing
Noomi offers protected housing for individuals over 18 years old and possibly accompanying children. Our target group includes individuals who have been exploited in human trafficking for sexual purposes or prostitution.
We accept accompanying boys up to 12 years old. The accommodation can accommodate pets.
Our staff undergo continuous training on topics related to violence against women and children but have specific expertise in working with those exploited in human trafficking for sexual purposes or prostitution. We have close collaboration with authorities working against prostitution and human trafficking, especially Evonhuset, Malmö City, where two regional coordinators work against human trafficking. Noomi is a certified participant in the National Support Program for victims of human trafficking, operated by the Civil Platform against human trafficking, of which we are also active members.
Upon a placement request, we conduct an initial risk assessment. If the person shows signs of serious mental health issues, we accept them to the extent that, based on the risk assessment, we deem it appropriate for the person to move into Noomi. We do not accept individuals actively engaged in substance abuse or where the mental health issues are so extensive that 24-hour staffing is needed to meet the needs.
What we offer
The support offered is tailored to the individual and formulated together with the person and their social worker in an implementation plan. Examples of support measures include risk assessment and safety planning (we have training in SARA:SV and FREDA), individual sessions, accompaniment to healthcare and other authorities, support during legal processes and police reports, assistance in job and housing searches, and support for organized return to another country. After moving out, we schedule at least one follow-up session.
- 1,300 SEK/day including food and hygiene products.
- 1,200 SEK/day excluding food and hygiene products.
- 550 SEK/day including food and hygiene products.
- 500 SEK/day excluding food and hygiene products.
(when needed and as agreed with the placing social services)
- 2,500 SEK/day.