Arbete mot människohandel
Regional Coordinators
Evonhuset is an initiative within Malmö City that caters to individuals involved in selling, buying, exchanging, or consuming sexual services in various ways. At Evonhuset, two Regional Coordinators against human trafficking work, responsible for the Southern Region. Their mission is to maintain effective and close collaboration within the realm of prostitution and human trafficking between social services, the Police Authority, county administrative boards, and other relevant stakeholders. The mission covers both children and adults, involving providing methodological support and participating in training sessions within the region.
The Swedish Equality Agency has the national task of coordinating efforts against prostitution and human trafficking for sexual and other purposes. The agency convenes the operational network NMT (National Method Support Team), including Regional Coordinators, among others. There is also a hotline where anyone suspecting human trafficking can call at 020 - 390 000. Learn more at:
Noomi maintains close collaboration with the Regional Coordinators in the Southern Region through coordination meetings and cooperation on individual cases.
Swedish Platform Civil Society against human trafficking
Sedan 2013 har Swedish Platform Civil Society against human trafficking samlat organisationer och aktörer som verkar inom ramen för civilsamhället och möter och/eller arbetar för att hjälpa utsatta för människohandel och människohandelsliknande exploatering utifrån de mänskliga rättigheterna som värdegrund. Vi är ett tjugotal aktörer som samarbetar under Plattformens paraply, bland annat skyddade boenden, jurister och organisationer som på andra sätt jobbar med människohandelsfrågan.
The Platform aims to coordinate and improve the efforts of civil society towards those vulnerable to human trafficking, as well as collectively combat human trafficking in all its forms. They compile statistics to identify needs and patterns, and report on and monitor the implementation of international conventions and directives.
Sedan 2015 driver Plattformen även det Nationella Stödprogrammet (NSP). NSP syftar till att erbjuda ett förbättrat samt kompletterande stöd till utsatta för människohandel och exploatering. Det Nationella Stödprogrammet kompletterar främst de stödinsatser som erbjuds inom ramen för Manual vid Misstanke om Människohandel (MMM) vilket är det formella stöd som erbjuds till de brottsoffer som polisanmäler människohandeln.
The support from the NSP addresses those who may not have access to the MMM by offering individually tailored support based on Sweden's international commitments. Funds may be allocated, for example, for a recovery period in a protected residence, legal expenses, practical needs such as clothing, Swedish language instruction, assistance with employment or internship placement, etc.