In Sweden it is not a crime to sell sexual services, but it is a crime to buy another person’s body for sex. We know that selling sex can be hard and riskful in many ways. Therefore we are here for you and want to support you according to your needs.
To sell sex
People sell sex for different reasons, usually because it is hard to find another job, but sometimes women are forced to sell sex even though they do not want to.
Ways we can help
Therefore, we wish to offer help and support to anyone that is selling sex but does not want to do that anymore, or to anyone who is not able or does not want to stop selling sex but need some other type of assistance.
You are in safe hands
What you share with us is confidential; we will not share your information with anyone unless you want us to.
How we can help You
If you contact us it is on your terms, and you can choose how you want to meet and what to talk about.
We can meet for example at a coffee shop and talk about your situation, how we can help you, or whatever you want.
We don’t have to meet; we can keep having contact on the phone.
We always help with
Medical assistance
We can help you to get a health check-up and medical care.
Emotional support, friendship
We have a lot of knowledge and experience about what you are going through, and we are here to listen.
If you wish to leave prostitution we can help you with
Safe place to stay
We can help you look for a safe place to stay while you decide if you want to return home or try to seek asylum in Sweden.
Contact with authorities
We can help you with contacting the relevant authorities and with legal advice for your case.
Safe return home
If you want to return home we can try to find people or organisations in your home country that might be able to help you and provide safety for you once you arrive home.
Seeking asylum
We can help you seek asylum in Sweden, and if you get asylum we can help you to find a job, learn Swedish, get therapy etc…
Selling sex and what it is like to leave that life
Most people that sell sex are women, and usually they do so because there are no other jobs available for them in order to provide for themselves and their families.
Other women have been tricked into prostitution, either through being promised a job in another country or through a boyfriend who promised another life together in another country. Sometimes women are being forced to prostitution though threats against themselves or their families.
It is very common that women from Eastern Europe, South Asia, and different parts of Africa travel to Sweden, and once they get here they are forced into selling sex.
Feeling trapped
Oftentimes women in this situation feel trapped, maybe their passports have been taken from them or maybe they are in debt to the person that brought them to Sweden. Often they might not want to sell sex, but are afraid to leave because of threats or witchcraft.
Maybe they don’t speak the language in the country, and they are scared of contacting the Police. Maybe they are scared that someone will look for them and find them if they try to leave prostitution, or maybe they cannot leave prostitution because they have no other way for getting money for themselves or their family.
Phone: +46 73-731 37 94
Phone: +46 73-322 85 41